
Hiall.Anyoneabletosuggestavbs(orcommand-linefile)tocleanoutC:-Windows-SoftwareDistribution-Download?,RunTaskManager(presstheCtrl-Alt-DeletekeysallatonceandselectTaskManagerorsearchforTaskManagerandselectit).ClicktheServicestab.Sortthe ...,Youcanjustdeletethedownloadfolderinsidesoftwaredistributiontoclearmostofthespacewithoutlosingtheupdatehistory.,Windows10-DeletetheSoftwareDistributionFolder-...

Script or command to delete contents of Software Distribution folder?

Hi all. Anyone able to suggest a vbs (or command-line file) to clean out C:-Windows-Software Distribution-Download?

SoftwareDistribution Folder Delete in Windows

Run Task Manager (press the Ctrl-Alt-Delete keys all at once and select Task Manager or search for Task Manager and select it). Click the Services tab. Sort the ...

Is it safe to delete the 'Softwaredistribution' file in the Windows folder?

You can just delete the download folder inside software distribution to clear most of the space without losing the update history.

Delete the SoftwareDistribution Folder

Windows 10 - Delete the SoftwareDistribution Folder - Fix Windows Update - How to Troubleshoot Happy? Please DONATE via PayPal: ...

How manually clean up C

Press WinKey + R and type cleanmgr c: . You can choose in the program to clean up as user or clean up system as admin.

How to Rename or Delete Software Distribution Folder on Windows

Go to the C:-Windows-SoftwareDistribution folder and delete all the files and folders inside by pressing the Ctrl+A keys to select all and then right-click to ...

Is it OK to delete SoftwareDistribution folder? And how do i do it?

Don't delete the folder, delete the contents. If you can't delete the contents, stop the windows update and background intelligent transfer ...

Can I delete the contents of the SoftwareDistribution download folder

It's generally safe to delete the folder once all of the Updates it's staged using that folder are installed.


The answer is Yes. The Software Distribution folder is a vital component for Windows Update, which temporarily stores files needed to install new updates.